Water polo finishes the regular season strong

More stories from Letizia Cumbo-Nacheli
After an extremely successful week, the water polo team was looking forward to keeping that win streak up. The girls had two games this week: Portage Central on Tuesday, May 2, and Grand Haven on Thursday, May 4.
Against Portage Central, JV and varsity played together. After varsity scored 8-9 goals in just the first quarter alone, the coach said that the varsity girls were not allowed to score anymore and only JV would be able to.
As JV players were thrown into the roster, the varsity girls were outnumbered in the pool as the ratio was four JV players to two varsity players in the water. Two JV girls, Maggie Holt and Cyan, got their first career goals ever during this game because the varsity girls were giving the ball to the JV girls. As the JV girls were scoring, the varsity had the opportunity to work on different plays, varying drives, and more setups. The team chemistry was high–even with the JV girls.
Grand Haven was the second game the team had this week and it was a special one: it was senior night. Team spirits were very high and the team played great. The two seniors on the team this year are Captains Sydney VanLente and Sydney Bacon. It was practically a Senior Sydney night! There were a lot of attempts on goal that allowed FH to score. The girls ended up winning 15-4.
“We had one of our best games passing-wise [during this game],” junior Ashley Schenck said.
This week concluded the regular water polo season and the girls played phenomenally despite a few hiccups the ladies encountered. The girls are ready to take down anyone who is on the path to the state title. The team has finally found its harmony and the team chemistry is looking great as they head into the postseason. More is to come from the FH Water Polo team, so stay alert for when the girl’s next games are.

Hey friends! Letizia Cumbo-Nacheli (best known by the name TZ) is 16 years old and she is currently a Junior at Forest Hills Central High School. She plays...