The boys varsity swim team falls short in its 10th meet of the season

Even with all of the boys’ hard work, the boys varsity swim team fell short against Byron Center. On Tuesday, February 1, the boys fell short by 14 points with a total of 86, while their competitors had 100.

With the loss, the boys continue to work hard and accomplish all that they can this season before their state meets in March. Earlier on the first, sophomore Reed Dixon had high hopes for the meet.

“The lineup of what we are swimming tonight are our best races, so we will most likely get the most points,” Reed said.

It takes many hours of work and practice to grow as a team and grow individually as a swimmer. Senior Benji Zorn expresses how the team helps each other grow and thrive as swimmers.

“My favorite part about being on the swim team is the people. They are fantastic teammates from the divers to the new incoming freshman. They all just joined the team, and they are all in, which is a great time,” Benji said.

Head coach Dennis Neat is anxiously awaiting the state meet and doing all that he can to prepare the boys for what they will face at upcoming meets and after the season is done.

“Both teams are near or in the Top 10 every year at the state meet. Team success helps inspire individual success. It’s the intensity of the sport to will yourself to be better each time you dive into the pool to the integrity of adhering to a code of values and beliefs to the insanity of the sport where athletes train hard in testing their will against all others,” coach Neat said.

The boys’ next meet is home on Tuesday, February 8, at 6:00 p.m.  Making it out to the home meets shows the appreciation for how hard the boys are working and all they do to continue improving and dominating the competition.

“Together, they never quit. They persevere and thrive on adversity. When a race doesn’t go according to the plan, they work harder in practice and get back up on the blocks to try again. They will do this every time no matter who competes,” coach Neat said.