FHC girls varsity lacrosse says goodbye to this season but not the accomplishments

As the long-awaited transition from spring to summer begins, the not so desired farewell to spring sports is fast approaching. One by one, these spring sports teams are hanging up their gear as this season ends, one of which is Forest Hills Central girls varsity lacrosse.
But while the girls are saying goodbye to this 2023 season, this season’s accomplishments are not to be said goodbye to. From the good and bad on and off the field, the girls put in their all to make this season as memorable as possible.
The FHC girls varsity lacrosse team had a strong set of skills across the field this season and came into the season well-prepared and bonded together, and they were ready to accomplish big things. Because of this, the girls were able to hold a strong 10-3 record to close out the season. The girls faced various competitors this season, accomplishing things they had never done before.
“We beat a lot of teams we hadn’t beaten before, like EGR and FHNE. Those were some games that we really pushed to win, and we had such a small team; this was another thing that made the wins greater,” says sophomore Ellyana Teliczan about the team’s biggest accomplishment this season.
Whether the win was as many as a handful or as little as one, the team has shown its ability to do what may have been seen as the undoable this season.
While the team had many accomplishments this season, many individuals had their own accomplishments as well. With Margaret English, Gabby Hendricks, Shannon Murphy, Delaney Smith, and Tori Bates being named All-Conference; Maggie Sneider and Jordan Koning being named All-Conference Honorable Mention; Shannon Murphy, Margaret English, and Gabby Hendricks being named First Team All-State; and Delaney Smith, Tori Bates, and Maggie Sneider being named Second Team All-State; this season has been filled with accomplishments from both the team as a whole and the individuals within it.
The varsity team also saw some new faces this season, whether it was upcoming varsity players or JV players seeing the field with the varsity team. JV player Colleen Guikema has played with varsity numerous times this season. She shares her experience saying, “My experience was pretty good. It was cool to be able to play with people with such a higher knowledge level in lacrosse and get to play with D1 commits on the team.”
This spring season has been filled with hard work and dedication from all on the team. From first-time wins to forming bonds, the girls put everything they had into this season. With new players coming up, the girls are already looking ahead as to what can be accomplished as they take the field next spring, which is one thing: win it all.

Luccini Rodriguez is a sophomore and this is her first year writing for FHC Sports Report. Luccini has enjoyed writing since elementary school and dreams...