The weight room: social media

Working out comes in all shapes and sizes, just like the individuals who work out. Everyone has different training goals and there are countless exercises to utilize. However, it is common that someone may be scared to even touch the rustic barbel, and it isn’t the fear of getting hurt that keeps them away. Instead, it is one thing and one thing only that causes anxiety within the individual who is looking to lift weights: social media. 

Let me begin by painting a scenario:

It is the first day of your new fitness journey, and you set up in the rack for a back squat. It’s quite possible that your form isn’t the best, but you try to execute the exercise anyways. 

From here, there are two possible outcomes. The first of which is that somebody comes over to you and witnesses your flawed form, and he or she shows you the correct technique to help you improve. Luckily for you, this positive encounter has encouraged you to continue on your fitness journey. The second consists of nobody coming to help you, you finish this lift and many others, and you complete your workout as normal.

You arrive home after a long day, lie down on the couch, and you pull out your phone. You continue to scroll aimlessly until suddenly you find a video of the gym you go to. As you look at the caption and video, you piece together that someone had posted your bad form as a way to gain likes and views on social media. 

You’re distraught by comments about your form and about how much weight you are lifting. As a result, going to the gym and your fitness journey have been ruined for you, and you find yourself discouraged from even touching the weights again.

Ever since I was young, I have always been taught that kindness comes first. I was taught to think before I speak and if I have nothing nice to say, then don’t say it. As we grow older, we see people that title themselves influencers or enablers. Fortunately and unfortunately, depending on the situation, these people have a huge impact on the lives of many. Especially in this generation, social media is a norm. The negative influencers and enablers forget the lessons that we are taught as children because they are blinded by the attention given to them by likes and followers. 

While these influencers are wrong, there are people out there who inspire and encourage others to go to  the gym. These people showcase the gym in a positive light. They stand by the message that the gym is a place for everyone, and no matter what skill level, shape or size, you will always be welcome. 

I utilize social media and have view how quickly negatives spread across the many platforms and forums, but there can be a good use for it if you know where to look. However, I can also confidently say to the anxious fitness pursuer that I have found some great teachers online to help with my fitness journey.

The gym is a place for everyone. The strongest people there aren’t the individuals who lift the most weight but rather the individuals that can overcome their greatest fears of the gym. If you find yourself on the fence about going to the gym or not, ignore the negative social media and ignore the people that use the gym as their social media personality. Instead, find positivity and befriend people who will build you up, not break you down.