Gavin Cai

Name: Gavin Cai

Grade: Junior

Sport: Swim and dive

What’s the best part about being on the swim and dive team 

“Being able to watch yourself and your teammates improve throughout the season and seeing that pay off at the big meets. I’ve made a lot of friends, not only from our team, and it’s super fun going into meets and being able to race against them. It’s super competitive, and everyone’s there to win.”

Who inspires you the most to swim?

“Watching my teammates and club team members, as well as my friends on other teams, get faster inspires me to keep swimming and improving myself.”

What’s the hardest part about being on the swim team?

“The hardest part about being on the swim team is all the practices we have. Sometimes it gets super tough to stay motivated when you’re always tired and sore.”

What is your go-to meal before each meet?

“A Jimmy John’s Sub is my go-to meal before each meet.”

What made you want to start swimming?

“I joined a club team when I was seven years old and have just stuck with it ever since.”

What is your favorite memory of this sport?

“My favorite memory of this sport was this year’s conference meet.”