Girls JV Tennis starts off the season on the right track with a win against rival Forest Hills Eastern

More stories from Levi McKenzie

Last night the FHC JV girls tennis team came out on top in their first match against Forest Hills Eastern. Since it was the first match, the girls weren’t exactly sure what to expect in terms of how they would play, and ultimately how the match would end up.
The duo of freshmen Sloan Corey and freshman Lydia Gurley won their match, as well as junior Coco Corey and Junior Bella Wiseley winning with a score of 8-3. Junior Liza McCarthy, Coco Corey, and Bella Wisely are three of the more experienced girls on the team. The fact they are all upperclassmen gives them a huge leadership role going into the rest of the season.
“I am nervous for sure, but that’s all part of it. I am super excited to see what this group will be able to accomplish this season,” said Bella.
“Being able to play with my sister has always been something I wanted to do and now being able to do it in this team setting is amazing” said Sloan “I am really looking forward to the rest of the season with her.”
Lydia is also really looking forward to this season and coming in as one of the better players in her class brings a good amount of pressure onto you. Even with being an underclassman, Lydia as well as her teammates believe that she has the potential to be a huge part of the tennis program here at FHC.
This Friday, April 16, the girls will be traveling to Hudsonville to compete in a quad match at 4:00 PM. With another win, they will be set in a very good spot to start off the season.

Levi is a sophomore at FHC and this is his first year on the Sports Report. He plays football for FHC in the fall and basketball for the school in the...