Top five clutch moments

March 17, 2023

Girls varsity basketball wins in overtime against Northview 

The girls varsity basketball team played an intense game against a long-time rival, Northview. After starting off with the lead, the girls soon fell behind allowing Northview to come ahead taking the lead. For a while, the girls were unable to come back and take the lead again. Throughout this game, the scores between the two teams were neck and neck. With the lead going back and forth between the two teams, FHC was able to fight to gain a comeback in overtime after ending the fourth quarter with a tie of 57-57, walking away with a well-deserved win with a score of 65-59.

Everett Phips won his first match in the OK White Conference match at Northview  

Everett Phips went until one of the last meets of the wrestling season without having a win under his belt. That was until he won his first match in the boy’s quad against Northview. With Everett being a senior and never wrestling before, this was a major moment that gave the team the points that they needed to win the quad over Northview while allowing Everett to win his first-ever wrestling match. As a senior who has never stepped foot on the wrestling mat, not only was this a major accomplishment, but it was one that benefited the entirety of the team and led them to victory. 

Peyton Price bowls a 247

Senior leader and anchor of the team Peyton Price is a man of many talents, however, one of the more special ones is his bowling abilities. Peyton mastered his stroke early during the season for Ranger Bowling and it continued throughout the season. Peyton was on a large hot streak during this time in the season and looked to continue it. Peyton was on his way to a perfect score in his first match but came up just short with a couple of spares finishing with 247 points (the highest you can get in bowling is 300) and losing to his opponent. Despite the loss, Peyton bowled with a ferocity only seen in clutch athletes.

Brady Miller game-winning layup against Byron Center 

Here’s the situation: five seconds left, Coach Carhart calls a timeout, and the Rangers are down one. A situation every athlete dreams about at some point in their career. Brady Miller takes the ball out of the timeout and seemingly just holds on to it until three seconds left when he drives down the lane and finger-rolls the ball up and over the Byron Center. It looks like the ball is going to fall out, it hits every part of the rim, then drops. The student section goes crazy as BC only has 1.3 seconds to throw up a prayer, they never did get it off. The horn sounds and FHC wins a crucial game with a clutch moment from junior Brady Miller.

Gibson Grendel scores with 2:30 left in regulation against Mona Shores

Mona Shores, FHC a rivalry that is as heated as it gets in hockey. Two minutes and thirty seconds left, the Rangers tied with the Sailors. It was off the face-off that FHC won the puck but struggled to keep possession. The Rangers fought for the puck along the boards but it slipped out to the blue line with no one on it. Out of nowhere came Gibson Grendel though, he raced across the blue line and to the left, and with all he had in him he shot a strong wrist shot over the outstretched arms of the Mona Shores goalie.

Top five clutch moments


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