Girls bowling leaves it all on the alley in regionals
This past Thursday and Friday, the girls bowling team competed in team regionals and individual regionals. The Rangers placed tenth out of fourteen teams, knocking down a total of 2091 pins on Thursday, the day of team regionals. This may look mediocre on paper, however, the Rangers played the best bowling they have all season. None of the teams the Rangers saw were easy wins, the girls saw some of the best teams in the state. Tenth place is excellent considering the circumstances of this year’s extremely tough regional competition.
“Raegan and I played really well,” said junior Letizia Cumbo-Nacheli. “We were picking up spares left and right, and we were also making marks on Thursday during team regionals. The whole team got tired towards the end of the day, but we pushed through. We all struggled at least once, but prevailed.”
Individuals went really well for the Rangers too. Paris Gooch finished highest on the team, placing 20th out of 73 bowlers. Then it was Raegan Price who finished 43rd, Letizia Cumbo-Nacheli finishing 50th, Luka Smith finishing 60th, and JJ Putney finishing 67th.
“I had a great time at regionals,” stated Cumbo-Nacheli. “I actually bowled really well, I broke my high record twice. First, by bowling a 138, and then bowling a 156, it was a great showing even if I only finished 50th. I had one bad round that set me back but still finished strong.”
The unfortunate news is that this was the 2022-2023 varsity girls bowling team’s last time competing. While the ladies performed very well, it wasn’t enough to move them onto states. When you look at the competition they had to face, there is nothing for them to be ashamed of.
“We had so much fun,” quoted senior Paris Gooch. “I know I played really well, and at the end of the day, having fun is all we could really ask for. It was a great season.”
It was a great run for the Rangers, they fought hard and achieved things that no one thought they could achieve. They did what Rangers do, push through adversity and prove people wrong, and that is something the girls should always be proud of.

Matthew Holtgreive is a senior at FHC and is going into his first year as part of the Sports Report class. Matthew participates in baseball at FHC and...