The girls bowling team falls to Greenville
This past Wednesday, January 25, the girls bowling team, lost to the Greenville Yellowjackets, but there is more to this match than just the numbers. This was a hard-fought battle that came down to the wire, and with a couple of empty spots on FHC’s roster, it led to a defeat against Greenville.
“The match went well,” quoted junior Letizia Cumbo-Nacheli, “but we were short two bowlers so we could only compete with four when there are supposed to be five bowlers.”
This was not a loss due to a lack of talent, instead, if the Rangers had access to a full roster they would have come out victorious. This team has come a long way since they faced Greenville last, and unfortunately, some key parts of their roster were unable to participate in what would have been sweet revenge.
“A good takeaway is that we were all super positive,” stated Cumbo-Nacheli. “Something else that was really cool to experience during the match was that we were actually connecting with the Greenville girls team. We were all having a good time talking while bowling and became friends or allies if you will.”
Win or lose, it is really cool that these teams were able to bond during the competition. This just goes to show that it’s bigger than a game, it’s a way for people who enjoy the same sports to connect through competition, resulting in the creation of new friendships. This also pushes the message to have fun doing something you enjoy.
The ladies’ next competition will be next Monday, January 30, against the Byron Center Bulldogs. The match will be at Eastbrook Lanes at 3:30, a tough match-up, but nothing the Rangers can’t handle.
“We aren’t going to be doing anything differently besides filling in the empty spots on our roster,” said Cumbo-Nacheli. “We just need to make sure those voids are filled by our next competition.”
It sounds like the Rangers are having a lot of fun out in the alley, and with wins becoming more prominent, things are looking up for the ladies.

Matthew Holtgreive is a senior at FHC and is going into his first year as part of the Sports Report class. Matthew participates in baseball at FHC and...