Gym rats at FHC
Many students at FHC frequent the gym, so what some people may be asking is why? What motivates these students and athletes to wake up at five o’clock in the morning, grind after school, or stay up late in order to get their gains?
For most students at FHC, the gym that they attend is the YMCA. While it is in close proximity to the high school, the YMCA also provides an abundance of different workout equipment that students here at FHC enjoy using while improving their muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility.
“I go to the YMCA because I work there as a lifeguard, and all of my friends have memberships there too,” reported junior Matthew Taylor.
Apart from where students choose to work out, a big focus is on why students choose to better themselves each day. Besides the obvious reasons such as becoming stronger and having a better self-image, what drives these gym rats is something that is embedded into their goals and ambitions.
“Going to the gym for me is not so much driven by motivation but rather discipline and desire for self-improvement,” said senior Calvin Balanda. “I love the community and friendships that I get to build through while going to the gym as well.” Apparently, your muscles aren’t the only things that can get gains at the gym; your bonds with friends and teammates while exercising are also improved. It is a shared experience with others at the gym who may have the same goals as you.
A reason that may be more sensitive to others is the love interest aspect of working out. I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to prove anything to anyone, but if you enjoy making yourself look better and having a better self-image, go for it! I believe that a person should start going to the gym for himself or herself and not for anyone else. However, if working out also improves your chances to gain the affection of a would be admirer, then that’s just another bonus to your hard work and dedication to improving yourself.
The time of day one chooses to work out varies based on one’s preferences. I know a plethora of peers who like working out in the morning, late at night, or immediately after school.
“I go before school because I don’t have time after school due to work and sports,” remarked junior Matthew Taylor. “I really enjoy going in the morning as it allows me to be fully awake for school, and it makes me feel a sense of accomplishment early on.”
I for one think that working out in the mornings is a great way for students to prepare themselves for the longevity of the school day.
For those out there who want to go to the gym but may be lacking the motivation, I asked some of my peers what they think newcomers should focus on and take into consideration with a newfound desire to go to the gym.
“I would tell them to set goals for themselves. Fnd things they’d like to improve and improve them,” said senior Calvin Balanda, ”but most of all, work hard with consistency.”
These are two very different answers, and yet they serve the same purpose. That purpose is motivation. What drives not only them but the hearts of others as well? In order to improve in the gym and stay consistent and dedicated, one must find what drives himself or herself. What causes him or her to get that one feeling that makes him or her believe he or she can do anything and conquer any challenge that stands in his or her way? When you find that part of you, you will find your way on the path to not only a healthier life but a more successful one too.

Matthew Holtgreive is a senior at FHC and is going into his first year as part of the Sports Report class. Matthew participates in baseball at FHC and...