Gameday at FHC
Gameday is one of the most exciting words to hear during the football season. Pretty much everybody that knows what college football is knows what the Home Depot College Football Gameday is. However, many people in the Forest Hills area are unaware of the Sports Report Gameday that is once again going to be hosted this year for the FHC vs FHN football game.
The FHC Gameday, scheduled for 6:00 PM on Friday, October 14, 2022, will look very similar to those productions put on by ESPN. The show will take place on the track in front of the student section an hour before kickoff.
“Our FHC Sports Report Gameday is essentially going to replicate the ESPN Gameday show,” senior Lucas Thompson said. “We’re going to talk not only about the big game between the Rangers and the Huskies but also about OK White conference match-ups. We’re also going to have four anchors and a field anchor, conduct interviews on the field and in the stands, and most importantly have the student section be a big interactive piece of the show.”
FHC’s Gameday is going to provide not only a lot of insight on the FHC vs FHN game but also on a lot of other games in the conference. Just like in the ESPN Gameday, the anchors will make a pick on who they think will win a certain and say by how much. With this being the last game in the Ranger’s regular season, they will also give insight on what the playoffs are shaping up to look like.
What many people may not remember is that there was another Sports Report Gameday production last year as well. Lucas Thompson, one of two editors-in-chief of Sports Report, said that this year is going to be different because more preparation time has been put into making the show even more special.
“I think we need to do more advertising for it,” quoted Thompson, “but once we get the word out there, people are going to love it.”
I got the opportunity to meet with some of the show’s anchors. It sounds like they are buzzing with excitement and thankful for the opportunity to be a part of something so groundbreaking. I can’t name another high school that hosts a Gameday event, and I’ve got a good feeling this won’t be the last time we see an FHC Gameday show.
“Just being able to talk about football over loud speakers at a game with an amazing atmosphere with my peers is just going to be awesome” stated junior Jonas VanderWoude.
Not only will the anchors be talking about football, but they will also be interacting with the fans. Along with having four anchors, there is one interviewer that will go through the crowd and find people to interview about the game. The person Sports Report has elected to fill this position is Letizia Cumbo-Nacheli.
“I’m excited because it gives me a chance to hype people up and put the spotlight on people that don’t normally have it,” said junior Letizia Cumbo-Nacheli. “This is especially true for those in the student section.”
What makes FHC Gameday so much fun for everyone is that it places the emphasis and focus on involving the students who are at the game early and who are excited to watch some great high school football. Not only will FHC’s Sports Report be hosting a Gameday event for football, but they will also host a Gameday event later on during the basketball season. These events are a great way to get the students in Sports Report a chance to experience the entertainment side of the sports media industry.
“It’s a way to support the Sports Report,” said junior Jonas VanderWoude, “and why not go? It’s a great game and great atmosphere,and we are just there for your entertainment.”
The Sports Report class is counting down the days until this electric event begins. Make sure to show up early to the FHC vs FHN football game next week so that you can be a part of something that is bound to become a great Ranger tradition.

Matthew Holtgreive is a senior at FHC and is going into his first year as part of the Sports Report class. Matthew participates in baseball at FHC and...