Varsity tennis continues their hot streak against Byron Center

Sammy Yin

Senior Sammy Yin serves up the ball.

Coming off of a successful sweep, the varsity tennis team stays hot, securing a 6-2 win over a strong Byron Center tennis team. 

Seniors Sammy Yin and Chris Shang were stellar in singles matches, securing two strong wins. Sammy only allowed one point scored in two sets, and Chris allowed zero. Sophomore William Wen came away with a tight win at three singles. Freshman Franklin Feng lost a close match to a consistently tough player from the Bulldogs.

“Our success comes from high-level experience,” Sammy said. “[Chris and I] play much more than the average high school tennis player. I am hoping to become more of a leader this season than I have been, so I am making the extra effort.”

The doubles players came to win as well. The junior duo of Philip Murdock and Alex Chen were successful in both sets, coming away with a close win. Senior Noah Kriekard and sophomore Willem Knoester put the nail in the coffin with two solid wins. Another junior duo included Nico Notarnicola and Owen Godley, and these two only allowed five points across the two sets they won. The final doubles pairing, unfortunately, came away with a loss against a strong Byron Center doubles duo. 

“The secret to our play comes from the sheer speed and athleticism we play with,” Noah said. “We are using the mindset that we can be anyone and everyone, and that helps us win games,”

Coach Dan Bolhouse discussed his pride in his team as they came away with a second successful meet, and he is hopeful for their next matches. 

“Overall, the boys played well on a difficult windy day,” Bolhouse exclaimed. “All of [these guys] played well to secure a big win for our team.” 

Varsity tennis has its next meet on Wednesday, September 7, at 4:15 p.m. The boys are still on a streak and look to continue this fiery playstyle at the Ranger tennis courts next week.