Stella Sutton

Name: Stella Sutton

Grade: Senior

Sport: Girls varsity soccer

When did you start playing soccer, and why?

“I started playing soccer when I was four years old. I started playing because I was trying out a bunch of sports, and I thought it was a lot of fun to play soccer, so I stuck with it.”

Who made some of the biggest influences on your soccer career?

“Certain coaches in the past have had a huge influence on my soccer career. Those coaches pushed me to become a better player and made me love the sport even more.”

What were some of your favorite moments in your soccer career?

“My favorite moment was going to California for the national championship when I played club soccer.”

What games are you looking forward to the most this season?

“I am looking forward to games against some of the stronger teams in our conference. The conference playoffs will also be a good test for our team, especially being so late in the season.”