Mac Boike

I can’t believe it. For the last two years, I have always wondered how I would bring myself to write this one final story and one final goodbye.

The past four years of high school have flashed before my eyes like lights in the city, and I can’t believe it is finally over. Sports report hasn’t just brought structure to my life, but it has established a family. It started in my early days of junior year when I first joined. The leading group throughout the year consisted of former seniors Matthew Mahoney, Jacob Ervin, Mason Corcoran, Zoe Lipke, Sydney Kushak, and Gwen Henderson. Throw in the mix of all my now graduating seniors Joe Murdock, Pierson Vangorp, and soon-to-be editors in chief Adam Hop, Thomas Cobb, and the notorious Tate Greer. Back then, we were in a classroom with no teacher because COVID-19 restrictions kept us from staying in Mr. George’s room, as assumed. Given the circumstances, this gave us a chance to talk freely and open up to one another about our lives and our thoughts on sports.

Transition to this year, and the main man Mr. Anthony Sultini stepped up to the plate. I am very proud of the job he has done with taking over as the main instructor of the class. Early on, we all had questions as to what Mr. Sultini’s role was going to be for us during the year. Sultini left the choice into our fate as to how he would manage our grades and writing, but ultimately, he stepped in as any good teacher would do. The biggest projects we have ever worked on were the gameday set up for the Grand Blanc Football game earlier in the fall and our FHC Sports Awards Show that just took place. Without Sultini, both these productions would not have been able to happen. Thank you, Mr. Sultini, for always putting up with the class, and me especially. I have learned a lot of very valuable life lessons from you, and I will always stay in touch.

Now for my classmates throughout the years. Everyone in my junior year became very special to me. Junior year was a huge hurdle we all had to leap over while COVID-19 restrictions spread through the hallways; this class brought joy to my day and easily became my favorite class of the high school of all time. To those seniors and sophomores in there that made it special, thank you so much. To my former editors, Matthew and Erv, you guys helped make me into the writer I am today. I want to personally thank you for always pushing me to get out new and in-depth stories and columns.

Then, to all the juniors who joined the class this year. Serena, Riley, and Lucas, you guys make sure to have fun with the class next year. The underlying luxury about being on the staff is that you get to be able to connect without whoever you want to. The connections are the best part of the game. Keep working hard, and make sure Teague gets back from the bathroom before the bell rings. To PVG, it was always fun to argue or agree on podcasts together. Good luck in the future, and keep working on basketball. Next, to the dynamic duo of Mr. Goodman and Mr. Moore, thank you for stepping up when we desperately needed people. I’ve known Noah for a very long time and have made so many great memories with you, with Ian, I have gotten to know you in a shorter time, but I am very glad you moved here. You two are great guys, and I hope you guys always make sure to visit Phoenix on spring break. To my partner in crime, Adam Hop. Just keep grinding, man. Stay committed, and believe in yourself. I have watched you slowly progress to a very determined worker every day—just keep pushing forward. To Joe, man, oh man, have we created some great memories together. I can’t wait to watch you on the PGA tour soon.

Next, I want to thank all the coaches and staff that have helped me out throughout the years. To all the coaches I have ever worked with, thank you so much for answering all of my questions throughout the years. Teams like FHC’s varsity volleyball and hockey have given me so much support throughout the years, and I can’t thank the players, coaches (especially Bill McSween), and all the parents who read and spread my articles. To all the other players I covered, I am sorry I hassled you so much throughout the years with all the questions, but thank you so much for all the responses. Players like Lucas Jeffreys, Theryn Hallock, Mattie Sexton, Ava Wilberding, Katie Hurbanis, Sammy Mielock, Anthony Ott, Sophie Shields, Grace Hudkins, Brooklyn Conner, and Josh Smith all did a ton of work for me by just giving information and answering questions for quotes. To the Swayze family, thank you so much for taking a parent role in my life. You guys have been a huge help in developing my character as a senior. To Mr. Goei, keep working hard because you are doing a very good job already.

Lastly, to my various coaches throughout the years, thank you so much. From my dad and all my friends’ dads coaching me at a very young age to Tim Rogers and Andy Shira coaching me on varsity, you guys have all taught me precious life lessons. Before I go off to Arizona State University to study sports broadcasting and journalism, I have two final thank you’s. To Tate “Trinni” Greer: thank you so much for all the hard work you put in while editing my stories. Tate, you have become one of my best friends throughout this year, and I really appreciate you, dawg. Last but not least, to Thomas Cobb (Tcobb): thank you so much, buddy. Your family has done a lot for me throughout the years, and it means so much to me that we get to go out together. Thank you, FHC Sports Report. Stoike out.

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