Frisbee golf is more than a hobby for Benji Zorn
Senior Benji Zorn was introduced to the sport of frisbee golf only a couple years ago. Now, his passion for the sport is everlasting.
Benji was first introduced to disc golf when his friend, Sam Kelly, came over to hang out with him. With Sam, he brought frisbees to play with. Benji and Sam went across the street and played on his neighbors disc golf course.
“It was a crazy coincidence,” Benji said. “I started buying my own discs as I started playing more; I started playing courses, not just at my friend’s house but also at Cascade and other places.”
Benji didn’t instantly find his passion for the game, but once he did, his mind was set.
“I played one game and then a couple of others, and I was hooked,” Beji said.
He tries to play as much as he can. He is currently a member of two leagues. During the summer, Benji competes on Mondays against 96 other participants. On Wednesdays, he plays against 20. And on the weekends, he plays in tournaments. Benji began playing before COVID, but according to him, the majority of the people he plays against picked the sport up during the pandemic. While disc golf is still a sport that isn’t very well known, it has and currently is still increasing in popularity.
One thing that Benji loves about the sport is that it’s for everyone.
“I’ve seen kids who are barely standing being able to throw, and I’ve also seen older people who started to play in the 1980s too,” Benji said.
The age range is widespread, and because of that, Benji has made more friends than he can count on the courses.
“I’ve made a lot of college friends over the years and a lot of adults,” Benji said. “That’s what is so great about the leagues.”
Another great thing about frisbee golf is how easy it is to pick up. When Benji started out, all he had was a cheap frisbee. Going and playing at the local parks is free, so Benji was able to play as much as he wanted. As he got more into it, he began buying more discs. The availability of the courses made playing easy as well. While there aren’t many courses, not many people play, so the courses were always available.
As of late, Benji’s ability to play every day is limited. He has his regular schoolwork as a senior, as well as his position on the student council.
“It’s been really hard lately with being school president and all. It’s difficult to find some free time to go out and play, but I have made the most of it so far.”
During the summers, however, Benji plays every day, including two days reserved for leagues and weekends reserved for tournaments. As Benji’s schedule continues to pile-up, he hopes he can still reserve as much time as possible for disc golf, and as of now he hopes to continue playing for as long as he possibly can.
“If I have free time, disc golf is what I’m doing.”

Teague Greer is a Sophomore starting his first year on the Sports Report. He is an avid sports fan, with football and basketball being his all-time favorites....