Three fast takes from the recent week of sports

1. Call it rotten luck- Colin Gillespie’s season-ending knee injury shows us how quickly a team’s stock can go from “there” to “here.” Basically a clone of Jay Wright on the court, Gillespie doesn’t always put up insane stats or have NBA scouts drool over him, but he does run Villanova’s offense to perfection. Usually in sports, floor generals and field generals get a bad rap for being the average joe’s on the playing field; however, a floor general and slick passer like Gillespie is a foundational piece on a Final Four team. Now that his talents will be taken to the bench, I don’t envision the tenth-ranked Wildcats making it as far as I thought they would with Gillespie leading the way. As if Gillespie’s injury wasn’t enough to strangle the life out of Nova, their third best player—behind leading scorer Jeremiah Robinson-Earl—Justin Moore, went down with a sprained ankle against Providence. It seems as if luck just isn’t Nova’s friend right now. 

2. JJ Watt just got richer- Fed up with the pot of crap the Texans were stirring, JJ Watt desperately went on the lookout for a competitive team to hand him a nice contract to pay the bills. At first, I thought he should go to the highest bidder because he deserves another massive contract. Over the past week, though, I really was hoping to see him suit up to form either Blitzburgh 2.0 or another scary defensive line. Regardless of all the fantasies built up about him playing alongside his brother in a Steelers uniform, I guess he probably took the deal we all would have taken if we were in his shoes. Set around $31 million over two years, Watt’s new contract with the Cardinals seems like a weak move to me. But hey, that’s just me.

3. Izzo does it again- The ticket to the dance has been punched, and the stub is stashed in Izzo’s pocket. No matter how sloppy they looked this year, most MSU teams can’t say that they beat three top-five teams in the span of a few weeks; first it was Illinois, then it was Ohio State, and now it’s Michigan. Just as he did against EJ Liddell and Ohio State, grizzled veteran Joshua Langford calmly nailed a clutch dagger with time winding down in the second half. I’ve seen my mom get pretty excited after major wins, but I don’t think I have ever seen her flop her arms in the air and yell “they did it!”