Jacob Sanford

Charlotte Stephan

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Name: Jacob Sanford

Grade: Sophomore

Sport: Boys swim and dive

How long have you been swimming?

“I have been swimming for five years.”

What are three fun facts about you?

” I am on the FHC XC, swim and rrack teams, I’m a triplet, and my favorite food is kind bars.”

Who is your favorite professional athlete and why?

“Michael Phelps because he is a very good athlete, he is very humble and has a very strong mindset. He also strives to be better every practice.”

Do you have any pre-meet rituals?

“I like to always eat pasta the night before all of my races, when I run I like to wear the same socks for every race of the season.”

What is your favorite memory from swimming?

“My favorite memory from swimming has to be the first time I did the 500 freestyle. I was very nervous to swim what many consider to be the hardest event in swimming, on top of that it was my first high school swim meet.”