How do the Rangers feel about making it to Ford Field?
As we go into our final week of the MHSAA football season here at Forest Hills Central, there is no doubt in the minds of everyone that it will be monumental. On Friday, November 25, our very own football team will be headed to Ford Field to play Warren De La Salle High School in the biggest game of the season.
The student body of Forest Hills Central will make its way to Detroit’s Ford Field to cheer on the team, as it always does. It is a matter of showing up and showing out to give the team strength and determination for the tough game that will be played. Though Ford Field is a hike, our community never fails to support the team and would follow it anywhere.
Senior Mackenzie Roy, a big-time Ranger Football supporter, shares her excitement for the outcome.
“I am so beyond happy for our team and players. They have come so far and they definitely deserve the big win because of all the hard work they have put in,” she shares. “I am so excited to head to Ford Field and watch them play and support them in any way I can.”
Many of the Rangers of the class of 2023 will be headed to this game knowing it is their last high school football game. Some of these students have been supporting this team and even working hard to play on this team since kindergarten, and it is crazy to see it all wrap up in the blink of an eye. Though they will forever be Rangers in spirit, the class of 2023 will have to go through the normal ticket line instead of the student ticket line for the first time in forever.
Senior Sydney Bacon explains her feelings on being a senior and going to this final game as both a supporter and as a marching band member.
“I think it’s a crazy feeling overall. Being a senior this year, I tried to make it to every game to support the team, and seeing how well they’ve done game after game is insane. Heading to this game knowing it’s my last does make me sad because football at our school is something that really pulls the community together and seeing the support it brings to our school is something I’m going to miss,” she shares. “Because of band, I’ve been to every home game since freshman year, but now that we made it to Ford Field and the band gets to travel, it doesn’t feel real. Not only is it my last football game as a senior, but it is my last time playing in the marching band for a football game and so I think that ties into the emotions a little more.”
Our team has worked its tail off to bring us to this stage and to make a great name for not only itself but for FHC as a school. The players and coaches have led us through many games. All of the ups, downs, and uncertainties have led us to this final chapter where the book will close, no matter the outcome.
Of course, everyone here in the FHC community is full of excitement and cannot wait to find out the outcome, but one person has been following this team for a long time and shows up for the team always.
Senior Frankie Sutton says, “I am overly excited and so proud of the boys for making it this far. I know they have worked so hard all season, and it makes it even more exciting knowing we haven’t made it to states since 1994,” Frankie shares. “ I honestly don’t know what to expect for the game on Friday. I don’t know how De La Salle plays, but hearing what the players have to say, I’m sure it will be a battle. I know we have the grit and talent to secure the win one hundred percent.”
This Friday will be an extreme day. Whether you are watching live from Ford Field or at home on your TV, the emotions will be real. No matter the outcome, our entire school is so proud of what the boys have done already and is so thankful that they have given us a great season to look back on.
Junior team member, Cohen Murray shares the team’s wishes for the game. “Make sure to support, from at home or at the field. If you’re out there, get loud!”
The boys will be playing at 1 pm on Friday, so make sure to get your tickets, and as always, Go Rangers!

Mazie Carpentier is a senior at FHC and is starting her first year as a Sports Reporter. Her favorite sports are basketball and football. In her free time,...