Winter sports are starting up

Charlotte Stephan

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As fall sports come to a close, many students at FHC look forward to the winter sports that are to come.

While some students are excited to participate in their winter sports, countless numbers of students are excited to use the winter as a break from their own sports and enjoy their time watching their friends and classmates. “I am most excited to watch boys basketball,” senior Matthew Holtgreive said. “The vibes at the games are fun to be a part of. Plus, I know a lot of the guys on the team.” Similar to Matthew, senior Sophia Badaluco said,” I am most excited for basketball and hockey. I love those sports, and they are so much fun to go and watch.”

Boys basketball is one of the most popular winter sports and has one of the largest turnouts, but with thirteen other teams in action, what other winter sports are the Rangers interested in attending? “I am really interested in watching both the girls and boys ski teams along with gymnastics,” junior Ayla Ahmetovic said.

The student section is a popular place to find many people throughout the FHC community. As we leave football season, where you will find the school’s largest student section, we open the door to go support many new sports teams.

“I feel like fall sports went really well, so I am hoping winter sports are the same,” Sophia said. “I am really excited for school spirit, the outfits, and the themes, and I am really looking forward to having some energy.”

There have been new coaching changes to many of our winter teams, including girls basketball, gymnastics, and bowling. FHC is interested in seeing how the new coaches will have an impact on the success of all of the teams this season.

“Our new coach seems very organized and very knowledgeable about the sport,” senior gymnast Lauren Wolffis said. “She already has ideas as to how each individual can improve and have unique skills to improve our overall team score.”

Along with new coaches, all of the returning coaches continue to do an amazing job with their athletes and help to bring them to their best potential.

When asked what three teams were going to make deep runs into their schedules this year, Sophia said, “I think basketball will do really well. I feel like boys swim and dive has it in them to do really well this year also. I am really rooting for girls gymnastics.”

As November begins, the countdown to our first winter sporting event starts, so make sure to mark your calendars and go support our FHC teams this winter.