Sydney VanLente

Charlotte Stephan

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Name: Sydney VanLente

Grade: Senior

Sport: Girls swim and dive

What is your favorite memory from swim?

“My favorite memory from swim was at my conference meet sophomore year. It was after we had just swam in the finals and they were announcing the swimmers that were receiving the all-conference award. I had no idea that I had a chance at getting it, and it was one of my goals for the year. I was with my team when they announced me and another teammate’s name and we all cheered and then had a huge group hug.”

What is your favorite part about being on the team?

“My favorite part about being on the team is how close we all get with each other. We spend so much time together that only a few days into the season we all feel like sisters, and the relationships we create are just amazing.”

What is something you are most proud of?

“Something that I am most proud of is how the underclassmen and I have gotten so close. My freshman year on the team was rough because of how much we practiced, and it was a big adjustment for me. I want to be there for the underclassmen and support them in every way possible, which is why I made it one of my priorities to build strong relationships with them. So far into the season, I am able to say that some of the underclassmen are my best friends, and I want to leave a positive impact on their freshman year that they will remember when they are seniors.”

Who is your favorite professional athlete and why?

“My favorite professional athlete is Caleb Dressel because of what he stands for and what he has accomplished in his professional career.”

Do you plan on swimming after high school?

“I plan on swimming after high school. I am committed to Hope College to swim on their team, and I am very excited about being a part of their incredible team!”