Senior Farewell: Pierson VanGorp

In my first year of high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do in college and beyond. That all changed when a familiar face approached me about joining a sports writing class they call “the FHC Sports Report.” After joining this class, I have learned what I am passionate about and learned who backed me up in my four years at FHC. 

First, I would like to thank the man who introduced me to FHC Sports Report, Mr.George. He took me under his wing my sophomore year after I took his Honors English class. I almost gave up on the class, but I stuck through it, and it molded the person I am today. Thank you for getting the best out of me at whatever I do, whether it is writing, basketball, or life in general.

Next, I would like to thank the teacher that has kept the tradition high for Sports Report, Mr.Sultini. I came into the year with no idea how you were going to run the class or how you run any class, as a matter of fact. In my first and only year with you, I have never felt closer to a teacher because that’s the type of person you are. Thanks for also making the biggest ideas possible, including the first-ever FHC Football Gameday Show, FHC Sports Report Awards, and the Oxford game. 

Since the class felt like such a family, I want to thank my fellow Sports Report classmates as well. In my two years under staff, the class has generated many memorable moments, including the extraordinary length of the meetings took or the debates that took place within the classroom. I also enjoyed the interesting but fun times from last year, including Timothee getting tortured by Syndey and Zoe or when Adam Hop ran the end-of-the-year meetings. Thank you to all four of my editors, Thomas Cobb, Tate Greer, Matthew Mahoney, and Jacob Ervin, for improving my writing skills and staying patient with me. Also, thank you to every classmate I worked with this year, including Mac, Joe, Serena, Teague, Ian, Noah, and Riley. 

Lastly, I would like to thank every person that has helped me throughout my four years at FHC. I want to thank my parents for sticking with me the whole way through and giving me your best support or advice whenever I needed it. I would also like to thank my friends for assisting me in the journey through high school. Thank you to all the teachers I had or to any that helped me because, without all the lessons and memories I made, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. FHC will always be my first home, and there is no place I would rather be to start the journey of who I am.

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