Julia Brown

More stories from Joe Murdock
Name: Julia Brown
Grade: Senior
Sport: Girls lacrosse
Position: Attack
What’s one thing you won’t miss when you graduate?
“One of the things I will not miss when I graduate is having to drive out to Detroit and Ann Arbor really early in the morning just to play for less time than we spent in the car.”
What is your favorite part of being on the team?
“My favorite part of being on the team is the relationships I’ve developed with all the girls. I’ve played with some of them for up to six or seven years, sometimes throughout the entire year, and they’ve been such a constant in my life that I cannot imagine this sport without each and every one of them.”
Do you have a quote that inspires you?
“A quote that inspires me is, ‘The truth is your value is constant, it is priceless, and it never truly goes up or down based off of results or your performance,’ from Joshua Medcalf. I used to get so down on myself when I thought I underperformed during a game, so this quote helps me remember that my performance is not the only thing that contributes to my value as a player or a person in general.”
What is something you are most proud of?
“I’m most proud of how far I’ve come as a person because of lacrosse. I used to be super shy and never wanted to say anything to anyone on my team because I didn’t want to be seen as rude or overstepping. I’ve gained a lot of confidence through the support of my teammates, and they’ve enabled me to feel comfortable taking on a leadership role and developing the skills that go along with that role like communication and listening.”
What is your favorite memory of this sport?
“One of my favorite memories from lacrosse was during the summer of 2021 with my club team. We were all playing the games Quarters and Spoons with our coach in the lobby of the hotel, and it was a really simple moment, but it was one of the last times we all got to hang out before the seniors graduated. Having played on that team for five years, those smaller moments are some of the things that made the biggest impressions.”
What are your plans to continue your sport in the future?
“I will keep playing lacrosse at Hope College, and I hope to get involved with coaching during that time as well.”

Joe Murdock is a senior at FHC entering his third year on the sports report staff. Joe enjoys playing golf for the school and hopes to play collegiate...