Girls JV lacrosse sets a high standard right out of the gates

Forest Hills Central girls JV lacrosse kicked off its season with a strong victory against Grandville. The final score of 14-4 truly shows the dominating force of the team. A day later, the girls faced off against multiple opponents at Mehney Field in a scrimmage match and dominated the competition. Just two days later, the girls won 11-5 against Grand Rapids Christian High School
Out of the gates, the girls JV lacrosse team is setting a high standard and its members credit their success to the intense preparation for the season during the preseason. Practice leading up to the first game was long and intense, but the results speak for themselves. More than anything, the team credits the chemistry created during the offseason as a driving pillar for its success.
“I think that in our first couple of games we have been doing pretty well,” freshman Elly Teliczan said. “We have been able to get to know each other and how we work together on the field and what things work for our team.”
Along with the team’s amazing chemistry, fresh talent is also a huge advantage that FHC is able to utilize. With 10 out of the 13 players being freshmen, new talent is driving the team forward. This builds an opportunity for plenty of growth throughout the team’s next four years and a strong base for every class behind this year’s freshmen to build on. The three veterans on the team play a crucial role in this process as they coach and help build new players’ skills to prepare them for the varsity level.
The Rangers’ are just getting started, so there is plenty of time for momentum to shift their way. Their next game will be on April 13, at 5:30 p.m., at Ranger Stadium.

Ian Goodman is a senior at FHC and in his first year on staff. He plays football and runs track for the Rangers. Ian recently found his passion in lifting...