The FHC crew team places first in the opening meet of the season

This past Friday, the varsity crew team began its 2022 season. The weather is not yet up to par for outdoor competitions, but the team was able to compete in the gym. Despite the change in scenery, the team was able to maintain a competitive atmosphere.
The season-opener was an indoor sprint between eight other participating schools: Forest Hills Northern, Forest Hills Eastern, East Grand Rapids, Rockford, Lowell, Northview, Spring Lake, and FHC. East Grand Rapids took third place, Rockford took second, and FHC took home the top ranking out of all eight competitors.
Out of the top ten for the boys, senior Roman Kalaczinski placed eighth, sophomore Lucas Fors placed fifth, and junior Sam Logan placed third.
“I placed fifth overall for the guys, and I’m looking forward to the next couple of meets to improve,” Lucas said.
On the girls’ side, junior Elizabeth Latunski placed second overall, sophomore Alexa Fauson placed third, and junior Caroline Logan placed seventh.
Placing first out of eight to start off the season leaves nothing but high hopes for what is to come for this year’s crew team. It is evident that there will be some stand-out performers this year, with a lot of room for the younger members of the team to make a lot of progress in preparation for the following years.
The rowing team’s next match will be on April 23, where the team will face off against multiple opponents.

Teague Greer is a Sophomore starting his first year on the Sports Report. He is an avid sports fan, with football and basketball being his all-time favorites....