Ruthie Vanskiver
Name: Ruthie Vanskiver
Grade: Senior
Sport: Ski
What is your favorite ski memory?
“Going to our first Caberfae race this season and getting to know some of the underclassmen better.”
What helped you decide to join the ski team?
“My friend Lilly Harsavoort asked me to join the team during our junior year because it was something fun for us to do during quarantine. It was a sport that wasn’t really affected by COVID, so we thought it was worth a shot joining the team.”
Who would you say the ski team has the biggest rivalry with and why?
“I am not sure how many rivals the team has, but sometimes there are playful rivalries between teammates. This is because they try to push themselves to be the best racer they can be.”
What is your favorite part of skiing?
“My favorite part about skiing is definitely the team dynamic and how everyone gets along. This team can be as competitive or as non-competitive as you want it to be, which is such a great thing when you compare our atmosphere to some of the other schools we race against.”
What connections have you made being on the team?
“The best connections I have made by being on this team have definitely been friendships. I have become friends through the ski team with kids from other grades and some that I had never even talked to before joining the team.”

Ian Goodman is a senior at FHC and in his first year on staff. He plays football and runs track for the Rangers. Ian recently found his passion in lifting...
Meredith Vanskiver • Mar 9, 2022 at 11:04 PM
yes ruthie! my favorite skier <3