Abby Berlin
Name: Abby Berlin
Grade: Senior
Sport: Ski
What influenced you to join the ski team?
“Last year, I was in class when Lilly Harsevoort was discussing joining the team. I thought about joining the team for a while but I didn’t know anyone else doing it so I figured I’d try it out with her. It was a little intimidating starting so late but everyone was really helpful and encouraging when I started out.”
How has being on the team helped create personal connections?
“Being on the ski team introduces you to so many different people from different grades. Everyone is there to get better and help the team grow, so it has a very strong family dynamic.”
What goals do you have as a captain for the team?
“As a captain, my goal for the team is for everybody to improve on their racing and become closer as a team. We’re working hard every practice to show up for regionals and the conference championship.”
What is your favorite part of being on the team?
“My favorite part about the ski team is just showing up every practice to race with people who want to get better. It’s a positive environment every day and hanging out with the team never fails to put a smile on my face.”
What is your most memorable moment on the ski team?
“My most memorable moment from the season has to be going up to Caberfae and Boyne this past weekend. The team bonded a lot over the weekend whether it was during the race or hanging out in our free time. When we were up at Boyne on Saturday, we had a birthday dinner for me and just free-skied all night, which was a lot of fun.”

Ian Goodman is a senior at FHC and in his first year on staff. He plays football and runs track for the Rangers. Ian recently found his passion in lifting...