Girls JV golf continues to rule the course as the season heats up
As the girls JV golf season picks up speed, the pressure builds, and their determination to add to their winning streak picks up as well. With an exciting, action-packed week, the girls sit comfortably with a 6-1 record.
The girls handily defeated Greenville and Northview and avenged themselves against Lowell with a close 206-209 victory. After losing its first match of the season to Lowell, it was impressive that FHC bounced back to redeem themselves. It has also been a great opportunity for the team to bond, and with tons of time around their teammates, the freshman girls have been navigating the golf world and golf family.
Freshman Izzy Scholler has sprouted as a player and has grown to love her teammates; the girls have all been supporting each other on top of welcoming all the newcomers.
“They have helped explain how the matches work or gave tips that can help you get better,” Izzy said. “The girls are also all friendly and have a good time with everyone.”
As the pressure builds, the team has taken off running. This week might be full of obstacles, but it was arguably one of the girls’ best weeks.
The Rangers’ next match is on Tuesday, September 7, at Thornapple Pointe. They plan to defend their winning streak from the Byron Center Bulldogs. Things are only looking up for this talented group of girls.
“My favorite thing is their eagerness to learn and get better—all of them,” head coach Chris Sobieck said. “Every team I’ve had has been awesome, and they all have their strengths; however, this team is probably the most competitive one I’ve had.”

Serena Thiede is a senior going into her second and final year on the Sports Report as Editor-in-Chief. Serena golfs, skis, and does track and field for...