Girls JV golf kicks off its 2021 season behind a talented group of freshmen

The girls JV golf season might have only just begun, but the girls are just getting started. The girls are fired up and ready to build on their skills while racking up a solid winning record.
Starting this season off right, the girls are currently sitting on a 3-1 record and will continue to stack up the wins as the season progresses. They have already defeated Forest Hills Northern, Grand Rapids Christian, and East Grand Rapids. The Rangers did, however, lose their first match of the year to the Lowell Red Arrows. Although it was a tough loss, they have clearly bounced back since.
With all the new faces on the team, head coach Chris Sobieck has only had good things to say about the team this year and is very confident in the girls’ ability.
Returning sophomore Kiera Kemppainen has reflected on the season as a whole in a positive way.
“I haven’t been shooting my best, but the rest of the girls have made up for that,” Kiera said. “Even if our team wasn’t scoring well, I would still say the season is going well because I feel like our energy as a team is worth more than our scores.”
The season is still young, but the Rangers walk into their matches heads high and are determined to golf their hearts out. As the season continues, it will only become more and more clear how much damage these Lady Rangers can do.
Looking ahead, FHC travels to Boulder Creek on Wednesday to take on Northview. Coach Sobieck expects all seven of the freshman to develop themselves and gel with the sophomores on the team.
“All seven of them are talented and will impact the team positively,” coach Sobieck said. “Quinn Breslin, Abby Schnelker, Izzie Scholler, and Morgan Cerny are really off to a great start. Add them to Kiera Kempainen and [sophomore] Claire Marvin, and we are tough to beat.”

Serena Thiede is a senior going into her second and final year on the Sports Report as Editor-in-Chief. Serena golfs, skis, and does track and field for...