Cue the song “Good Old Days” by Macklemore and Kesha. :,) I don’t really know what to say. I just know there was a point in time where high school began and now, in a flash of light, I’m at the end.
Real life begins soon, and it feels like it still hasn’t hit me yet. This kind of living is all I’ve ever known. I think I’m ready for it to end, but I still feel so young and not how I viewed high school seniors when I was in elementary school.
I will miss so many things about high school: girls tennis, walking to and from classes with Adam, small classes, studying for AP exams (specifically APUSH) and even waking up early (surprisingly,) and the feeling of not having to worry about your future (until junior year.) I’ve learned an unbelievable amount of things these past four years, and I am hardly the person I was when I was a freshman. I’ve made leaps and bounds since then, and I’m so excited to see who I am when I graduate college. Also surprisingly, I’m grateful to have known what it feels like to not do well academically, freshman year me was not the most well-off person, but here’s to all of you currently in the same spot—you can do it! I think that people who have experienced failure like that and grew from it are the people best equipped for the future; they know what not to do to ensure it doesn’t happen again. People is me.
To Mr. Labenz, I love your charisma and humor you bring to your students; they love it more than you know. Thank you for being a truly good teacher and for teaching such an interesting subject. To Dr. Keller, omg, I appreciate you very much! Thank you for the many environmental opportunities, for being the teacher you are, and for genuinely teaching me lots in AP Lang. To Mr. George, thank you for being you, for making FHC Sports Report into something amazing, for supporting me during Honors English 10, for playing matchmaker, haha, and for being such a great teacher. I’m also very grateful for the knowledge all of my classes these past four years has brought me.
To girls varsity tennis, ummmm, I have no words for how lucky I am to have been a part of you. I am so sad thinking about my last season coming to an end. I can’t believe a couple things: how fast the time has flown—no one warned me—that I get to leave a legacy like mine on FHC tennis forever, and that little girls who come play on the courts whether it be for fun, for a lesson, etc, will see my name up there and note me as the first girl to do what I did. I don’t think I’ve processed that enough. I will miss every single team member so much. I’ll miss everything about it, honestly, especially team hangouts, cheering, and the heat of competition and the glow of winning. Club tennis at Vermont should be so fun though, I’m very excited!
There are a multitude of other things I’m sure I’ll miss about high school. But there’s even more I’m gonna miss about home. I’m so sad that Vermont is so far away, and I haven’t fully processed that either.
I’m so incredibly grateful to FHC for the many things I’ve learned and been able to experience these past four years. I think I’m ready to move onto another stage of life, though, and I can’t wait for the insurmountable growth and beautiful things that lie ahead! I hope some of you will see my name again in the news for achieving something great in environmental law. :,)