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Q & A with gymnast, senior Elsa Kehoe

Q & A with gymnast, senior Elsa Kehoe

Name: Elsa Kehoe

Grade: Senior

Sport: Gymnastics

How long have you been doing gymnastics?

“I was in the sport doing club gymnastics from age the age of three until the end of freshman year and recently picked it back up for this upcoming season.”

What other sports do you play at FHC?

“Other than gymnastics, I also do cheerleading.”

What is your best memory from your time playing Gymnastics?

“My favorite memory from gymnastics was at the University of Michigan’s summer camp.”

Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school?

“My favorite teacher in elementary school was Mrs. Bandeck.”

Do you have any superstitions associated with your games?

“I will never wear any sort of earrings at a competition because I strongly believe that they are bad luck for me.”

Who is your favorite professional athlete?

“Nadia Comeneci. She was a Romanian gymnast who was the first gymnast to have scored a perfect 10.0.”

What is your favorite class this year and why?

“My favorite class is advanced marketing because I get to run the school stores.”

 What are your individual goals for this season? 

“My main individual goal is to qualify for states on every event.”

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