Alex Coon is a twenty-five-year-old hard-working, kind, and funny athletic trainer who loves his job at FHC.
After graduating from GVSU, Alex decided to come work here as an athletic trainer. Wanting to participate in physical therapy since high school, he decided to work for his college years to become an athletic trainer. Athletic trainer C.J. Strawser is very appreciative of Alex.
“I love Alex,” Strawser said. “He has been such a great addition. Truly, I can’t imagine a better co-worker, a better guy to work with trying to serve the student-athletes. He’s a super hard worker and cares about every student. Just very lucky to have him.”
Alex began working at FHC around a year ago; he has been assisting student-athletes and helping out with sporting events and practices amongst all sports.
“A love of sports and loving to help people, it was a really good crossover between the two,” Coon said.
It has also shown that he has liked his time as well during his time at FHC.
“I definitely enjoy it; there are definitely some days where there are so many athletes being out of high school, but it’s definitely fun,” Alex said.
Alex isn’t just watching football or watching other sports he is working hard and keeping people safe.
“I enjoy soccer and football and volleyball but for me, it’s in my best interest to watch the players and make sure they’re safe and don’t get injured,” Alex said.
Strawser loves having Coon around.
“Without Alex, it wasn’t horrible but it made stressful days a lot more stressful, I can have more of a life now,” Strawser said. “And it definitely helps to have him in stressful situations.”
He also makes athletes at FHC feel very safe and comfortable.
“He is definitely a big help; he helped me with my shoulder injury during the baseball season and just made it fun as well, like how he can crack jokes and he always has a smirk on his face which just makes the vibes better,” said baseball player Keyan Roelfzema.
Coon enjoys the time at FHC.
“It’s definitely a great environment and I’m pretty sure it’s the best I could have asked for when I started my athletic training career,” Coon said.