Name: Allison Meny
Class: Sophomore
Sport: Varsity swim and dive
How long have you been swimming?
“I’ve been swimming for around nine years. Ever since I was really young.”
What other sports do you play at FHC?
“Currently, I’m not playing any; I’m thinking of joining crew in the spring, but I’m not sure.”
What is your best memory from your time swimming?
“Probably our secret sisters. It’s a tradition where you get a person, and you get to make gifts for them every home meet.”
What are the team’s biggest strengths this season?
“We have a lot of positive energy. We all support each other, and we are really good at working together.”
Who is the biggest influence in your athletic career?
“Probably my coaches or some of the upperclassmen from last year. I always wanted to try to be like them or even be faster than them, so they always pushed me.”
Who’s your favorite professional athlete?
“Billie Jean King is my favorite because she inspired me with her work for women’s rights.”
What is your favorite class this year?
“I think it’s probably Algebra because there’s always an answer, and it’s really easy.”
Who was your favorite teacher in your school career?
“Probably Mr. Garb because he’s always really funny.”