The importance of journalism throughout the Midwest and beyond
The Midwest is known for many different things, from different ideologies and politics to farming and agriculture. The Midwest is truly special. The Midwest also contributes to one more very essential piece of art: the art of journalism. In fact, the journalism that comes out of the Midwest contributes to the entertainment of millions.
As the Midwest has grown, it has been the producer of many different talented writers and journalists. Talents have come from some of the smallest community colleges in the Midwest such as GRCC to some of the most prestigious and reputable universities such as Northwestern and Michigan. Many professionals who have lived in the Midwest have gone on to have very successful careers at major corporations like Entertainment and Sports Programming Network (ESPN) as well as Central News Network (CNN). For the Midwest and specifically the state of Michigan, one of the most popular, reputable, and successful sports journalists is Adam Schefter.
Schefter was originally from New York but decided to go to the University of Michigan and the University of Northwestern where he graduated from Medill Journalism School. Schefter started his newspaper career at the Michigan Daily where he worked as a freelance journalist. Schefter then worked at the Chicago Tribute again as a freelancer while he was a student at Northwestern. Schefter has gone on to be a sports journalist at multiple different newspapers and organizations, most notably ESPN. “I always loved sports growing up. I just never imagined you could make a living doing this. I didn’t know these were real jobs that people do,” said Schefter when asked on why he pursued a journalism career. Schefter is one of the many examples of the rich history of writers in the Midwest.
According to, English and journalism majors are in the top ten collegiate majors in the Midwest. Even at FHC, we have two journalism-based classes that are nationally noticed and followed: FHC Sports Report and The Central Trend. Many current and former students who reside(ed) in Forest Hills have chosen a route of journalism, and trust me when when saying that this career path has proven success in the Midwest and beyond for many, many years.
The Midwest is a very tight-knit community with many down-to-Earth people who believe in very down-to-Earth ideals such as writing. Writing strengthens your mind and gives you a sense of clarity in this busy and fast-paced life. John Spencer really sums it up when saying, “When students learn to make sense out of their world through journalism, they become the people who will transform the world.” Here at FHC, you can take more than just your average English class, step out of your comfort zone, and think about taking an enlightening class like FHC Sports Report or The Central Trend. Both classes are great courses and can truly prepare you for a professional career in journalism. Who knows? Maybe you can become the next great writer to come out of the Midwest.

Jackson is a senior entering his third year on the FHC Sports Report staff. He loves to watch any type of sport, especially football and baseball. He also...