Maggie Sneider

Name: Maggie Sneider

Grade: Junior

Sport: Girls Varsity Basketball


How long have you been playing this sport?

“I have been playing since I was in 3rd grade or so.”

What is your favorite memory of this sport?

“I have a lot of great memories, some of my favorites would be playing YMCA with my dad as my coach, playing club with some of the people I still play with today in the school team, and my first season on varsity.”

How has playing this sport impacted your life?

“Playing the sport has impacted my life in a really positive way because I was able to meet some of my closest friends through basketball.”

Who has influenced your basketball career the most? Why?

“My dad had probably been my biggest basketball influence because I grew up with him coaching me and he got me into the sport.”

Who is your favorite professional athlete and why?

“My favorite professional player is probably Kobe Bryant because he is one of the greats and always worked so hard.”