The advantages that team managers bring to Forest Hills Central sports teams

More stories from Olivia Oorbeck
Sports teams can be extremely busy, not only for the athletes but also for the coaches. While athletes are busy preparing their minds and bodies for success, coaches are busy having to create practice plans and game strategies, sign up athletes and the team for events, manage budgets and so much more. Forest Hills Central coaches are busy like most coaches. However, some of our teams have a designated individual that can be just as important as the coach: the team manager.
A team manager can be an advantage to a sports team. He or she can take the stress away from coaches. Some of the responsibilities the manager handles can include managing stats, filling out paperwork, equipment upkeep, and more. Having a team manager allows coaches to focus on more important matters like preparing their athletes for their next event or teaching them a new skill that will improve their playing. One sports manager that explained this is Megan Fox, a senior at FHC who is a manager for boy’s varsity tennis.
“I get to join in with practice,” Megan said, “as well as get to learn more about the behind-the-scenes of tennis tournaments by helping run the sites.”
Although being a manager comes with many perks, there can also be some downsides to it. One prime example would be the time commitment. Another sports manager that expressed this was Brooke Kushak, a senior at FHC who is a manager for both girls’ varsity volleyball and boys’ varsity tennis. She expresses this when she said, “The only thing that is a little inconvenient is how much time it takes up.” Although he or she may not be considered one of the athletes, a manager’s responsibilities can leave little time for personal time.
Managers also can have be a huge asset when it comes to being a support system. A manager can have an impact on teams by providing encouragement, lending a helpful ear, and helping when athletes are “off the field”. Although it sometimes seems like the managers aren’t able to make a change, they are contributing more than the eye can sometimes see. An athlete that explained this was Sophia Erbentraut, a junior who is a dancer on the Forest Hills Central girls varsity dance team, and their team manager is Max Meadow, a senior at FHC. “Some advantages [that a sports manager brings] is that they help hype us up at games,” Sophia said, “and they are another person there to support you. “
Even with the stresses that can be put on a manager, most managers tend to enjoy heavily enjoy it. There is much fun and enjoyment that comes with being a manager. Brooke explains this when she said, “My favorite part about being a team manager for volleyball is being with my friends that are on the team! And my favorite part of tennis is being a part of the fun atmosphere they have.”
Sports managers can make a huge impact on the sports teams that they are working with. They allow coaches a chance to breathe and give support to athletes when needed. With that, there are many reasons why someone may want to be a team manager and only a few disadvantages. However, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. It can not only help the team out but help you experience something new, and maybe even create new friendships with people that you never would have connected with otherwise.
“So talk to a coach and see if you can manage the team. If given the opportunity, take advantage of it,” Megan said. “Make as many friendships as you can with the team you are helping. The more people you know, the more fun your school year is.”

Olivia Oorbeck is a senior on the FHC Sports Report. She is excited about entering her second and final year on the staff. This year, she received the...