FHC Sports Report looks to expand its horizons by adding a podcast
As the FHC Sports Report continues to gain popularity, the staff and editors are still looking for ways to branch out. The addition of the brand new podcast class available for students to take this school year got some of the staff thinking: What if there was a Sports Report podcast?
The Sports Report had recorded podcasts on a few occasions last year, but none were considered to be overly serious. The current Sports Report staff loved the idea and wanted to add to it. After a lot of thought, a few setbacks, and days of preparation, the FHC Sports Report is adding an official podcast to its realm. What was the inspiration? Modern-day reporting fueled the idea. In today’s world of sports, podcasts are becoming increasingly prevalent, and the Sports Report wants to keep up.
Anthony Sultini, the supervisor of the FHC Sports Report, had this to say when asked about the inspiration behind the podcast. “Journalism takes on many forms; the main form is writing and typing. However, we are trying to keep up with the times and move onward from the traditional pen-to-paper, fingers-to-keys way of reporting sports.”
With the Sports Report adding a podcast, the journalists needed to assemble a team. To start, Peyton Price, a senior staff member on the Sports Report, was appointed to be the manager. He will manage when the podcast will go out, the format of the podcast, and other specific details. He wants to start out slow and then over time keep expanding what the podcast covers.
“We’re going to have a weekly podcast to cover all sports,” Peyton told me. “One podcast every week that covers freshman, JV, and varsity. All sports will be covered, but we will have football as the flagship.”
With that being said, he also told me that the podcast plans to be released every Wednesday. The team will record on Monday, edit on Tuesday, and post the day after. That week’s specific podcast will focus on FHC sports from the prior week.
Peyton admits that he will not be able to do this by himself, so he chose other staff members to help him out. Jonas VanderWoude and Matthew Taylor will be his main assistants, but the entire Sports Report staff will pitch in and have the chance to be on the podcast.
The main goal for this new Sports Report podcast, according to Matthew Taylor, is to “inform everyone about the athletics of FHC and dig deep into every single aspect of Ranger athletics.”
The intention is to release this new podcast in the coming weeks. Interested listeners can find it under the podcasts tab on the website. The staff, especially podcast manager Peyton Price, is putting lots of effort into this podcast, so make sure to go check it out!

Jonas is in 11th grade and loves sports. His favorite sport to play is basketball, and he is currently a captain on the varsity team here at FHC. His favorite...
Peyton Price • Oct 10, 2022 at 4:35 PM
Personally, I think this is the greatest feature of all the features.