Name: Tyler Dickinson
Grade: Freshman
Sport: Basketball
Position: Shooting guard
How has the season gone so far?
“The season overall has been great; we had some big wins against some good teams.” “Our team chemistry has vastly improved throughout the season, and we’ve grown a lot as a group.”
Who has influenced your career the most, and why?
“Mostly my teammates have, as well as my coaches and mentors.” “My teammates really encourage me to do my best at all times.”
What are you looking forward to the most in your Rangerball career?
“Getting to experience all of the levels of basketball up until varsity.” “I’m looking to play with my close friends throughout my senior year and develop a bond between all of us.”
What does Rangerball mean to you?
“Rangerball is a family, our peers, coaches, parents, and everyone else helping to give us the opportunity to play the sport we love.” “It also means learning the discipline of being part of a team.”
What is your end goal for your team as the end of the season approaches?
“Our end goal as a team is to win out the season and beat Byron Center which will allow us to share the conference title.”